
AUSactive calls for people power to push tax deductions for active health memberships

AUSactive is calling on the public to show their support for tax deductions for gym, Pilates, yoga, tai chi, and active health memberships with the launch of a change.org petition – that is already nearing 5,000 signatures.

By pushing the Federal Government to acknowledge the importance of staying fit and well by allowing tax deductions incentivates people to make their health a priority, according to AUSactive CEO Barrie Elvish.

“Shockingly, 75% of Australians aren't getting enough exercise and our priority is on reducing barriers for people to be more active. Allowing tax deductions for individuals to join a gym or take up yoga, Pilates or tai chi means people have an added incentive to get active as a preventative health measure,” Mr Elvish said.

The government estimates that last year, 8 million Australians were participating in gym and fitness and this would allow even more people to take up this activity.

“The Australian government uses the tax system to encourage us to invest in our superannuation to reduce dependency on the government funded pension when we retire. Similarly, the government uses the tax system to encourage Australians to take up private health insurance to reduce demands on the public hospital system.

“It is ironic that I can get a tax deduction for donating to an NFP Health Association whose services I would only use if I became chronically sick, why not encourage Australians to proactively take personal responsibility and invest in their own health and wellbeing by making gym memberships, including Pilates, yoga and Tai Chi, tax deductible.”

Despite these clear benefits, gym and other active health memberships aren't currently eligible for tax deductions. Changing this would make it easier for people to stay well by encouraging them to engage in regular exercise and will relieve cost of living pressures for people who are looking after their health. According to the National Australia Bank, gym memberships are among the first expenses to be cut for those experiencing financial stress.

”This will also save money on future government costs by keeping people out of the health system. Let's make investing in personal health simpler by allowing tax deductions for gym memberships.”Mr Elvish said AUSactive had put a budget submission together about the change but now needed the public’s support to give it a final push before the Federal Budget next month.

“Your support will show that you believe in making physical activity more accessible and promoting healthier lives for everyone. We want to keep the momentum going in the final weeks before the Federal Budget next month to give our proposal the best chance of being passed,” Mr Elvish said.

“The time to act is now. Together, we can make our nation healthier and more active.”

To find out and sign the petition visit https://ausactive.org.au/tax-deductibility-sign-the-petition/


What signatories are saying:

“Health isn't negotiable. Strength isn't negotiable. It is the backbone of society.” 

“We should be encouraging healthy behaviour rather than just subsidising treatment when people get sick.”

“Regular exercising people are far less financial drain on Medicare.”

“I am a manager in the health and fitness industry and see how lack of exercise directly correlates with chronic health conditions. I also directly witness how much economic instability effects health, and gym memberships. It costs the government more in the long run. We need to financially incentivise fitness as a preventative priority for the wellbeing of all Australians.”

 “Health and wellbeing should be a federal priority. The pressures on Medicare and the health system would be reduced if people were incentivised to take steps towards their health. A tax deductible membership would be a significant step to get people moving. Healthy habits shouldn’t be a ‘luxury’ expense.”

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