
AUSactive Federal Budget Submission

For Healthier Lives

AUSactive has put forward a budget submission proposal to the Federal Government that will not only help with the cost of living for many Australians but also get more people active by allowing fringe benefit tax (FBT) exemptions for fitness, for gym memberships to be tax deductible and to start a national public health campaign to increase physical activity.

In submitting the proposal to the Treasury, AUSactive CEO Barrie Elvish said the focus was on pushing changes to the FBT limitations and tax deductibility on gym memberships to all Australians.

With the Federal Budget approaching, AUSactive is asking the government to:

  1. Grant employees an exemption under the fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) legislation to enable them to provide their staff with gym memberships without penalty
  2. Allow Australians to claim an income tax deduction for bona fide active health participation and gym memberships; and
  3. Partner with us and grassroots organisations to develop and implement a national public health campaign to educate Australians about the vital role of physical activity in enhancing their physical and mental well-being.

You will see that we have had significant media attention about asking the government to make gym memberships tax deductible, and we want to keep the momentum going! We urge you to join our advocacy campaign by signing this pledge, which is a petition to urge the government to implement this change. Your support will show that you believe in making physical activity more accessible and promoting healthier lives for everyone. Together, we can make our nation healthier and more active.

We sincerely appreciate your support for our petition. Sharing it with your communities would greatly amplify our message to government. While the option to ‘chip in' to distribute the petition is suggested by the Change.org platform, it is not necessary and please know that just your act of sharing the petition to your community can make a significant difference. Together, we can make our voices heard and drive positive change.        

Get Involved and read all about it:

Read the full Federal Budget Submission

AUSative proposed strategic initiatives for the Federal budget, aligning with the government's aims to alleviate cost-of-living burdens and implement the National Preventive Health Strategy to tackle chronic diseases in Australia.

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Petition today!

AUSactive is calling the active health and exercise industry to petition to the Federal Government.

Petition today

Federal Health Minister's Acknowedgement Transcript

The Federal Health Minister has acknowledged our submission in a written statement, agreeing that more needed to be done to empower Australians to lead a healthy lifestyle and that his department was working on the National Preventative Health Strategy. He said: “My department is working collaboratively with all states and territories to build on obesity prevention and treatment policies, including identifying priority areas for action,” Mr Butler said. “AUSactive’s submission will be considered part of the normal budget process.”

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