
Movement and Mental Health

It comes as no surprise, but most people who work in this industry are highly motivated, love a challenge and almost always have a target or goal they are striving for. It can be a real challenge when you are trying to work with a client who doesn’t possess the same level of enthusiasm for creating and sustaining change.

When their motivation wanes and we want to support them to keep on trying sometimes it is helpful to remind them of the goals that you set together….but what if that doesn’t have the desired effect? What if, instead of sticking with a focus on the goals, you shifted the focus towards helping the client to recognise the links between movement and mental health that go beyond physical fitness and wellbeing?

Being involved in physical activity can help people gain so many extra skills and experiences that they might not have access to in other ways. Group exercise classes give the client a chance to meet new people, talk to others in the class and maybe even find a new exercise and coffee buddy. Human connection is so powerful and motivates people to try and overcome challenges and obstacles that they might have shied away from when feeling lonely and disconnected.

If you have a client who is waning in motivation maybe try and get them connected to another activity in addition to your sessions to help them create that social connection that might give their mental wellbeing a needed boost. Maybe suggest a group exercise class, some Aqua sessions or even link them up with a walking group and if you don’t have one maybe it’s time to consider creating one in your own exercise facility. When people feel connected and involved, they want more of it, the more movement they do, the better they will feel and the more likely they will be to keep motivation high when it comes to their exercise program.

For more articles like this and other tips and tricks around managing mental health in clients head to the website and check out the range of articles and resources https://ausactive.org.au/news-updates/mindful-messages/

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